Siloam Acupuncture Welcomes You
Acupuncture is a long-term preventative medicine that aims to improve your overall health and wellness and strengthen your immunity to fight off illnesses. It serves as an effective alternative treatment for many types of chronic pain (listed below).
Digestive Disorder, Weight Loss, Facial Rejuvenation, Stop Smoking, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Allergies, Infertility, Menstrual Disorder, Prostate Enlargement, Many Types of Chronic Pain Including (But Not Limited To) Headaches, Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, Pain in the Shoulder, Neck, and Back, Skin Conditions like Eczema and Psoriasis
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture,
Medical Massage Therapy,
Non-invasive Cupping Therapy,
Auricular Acupuncture,
Laser Acupuncture,
Infrared Therapy
Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist
Siloam's resident acupuncture expert, Myung Park, LAc, MS, has been a licensed and practicing acupuncturist for more than 20 years. Siloam accepts most forms of insurance including No-fault, Cigna, UHC, NYSHIP and Out-of-Network.
Opening Hours
Oakdale Office
10-7 Tuesday & Thursday
10-2 Saturday
New Hyde Park Office
9-7 Monday & Wednesday
Get in Touch
2 Berard Blvd
Oakdale, NY 11769
414 Jericho Turnpike
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
(718) 496 - 7811